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About us



我司秉承诚信是一切合作的基础,创新是发展事业的利器,服务是创造价值的根本为经营理念,坚持持续改进、满足顾客期望、 确保品质与服务、开拓全球市场。欢迎各界客户与我司牵手合作,我们将全力以赴为您的货物保驾护航!

公司以“誉满申粤 通达天下”为品牌理念,聚焦制造行业尤其是IC、大健康、新能源、钢材、食品、机械设备等产业发展需求,为智造企业提供打造专业、高效、协同的供应链解决方案,帮助客户整合上下游供应链,助推智造企业价值持续增长!



使命:科技驱动物流   服务创造价值


价值观:服务为本 成就彼此 和谐共生

精神:团结 诚信 拼搏 创新 共赢

Jiangsu Shenyuetong International Logistics Co., Ltd. is a logistics enterprise that provides comprehensive international transportation solutions for factories, trading companies, and e-commerce enterprises. The company provides professional import and export air and sea freight, agency customs declaration, warehousing, as well as overseas customs clearance, delivery and other services. Implement one ticket in hand and provide customers with comprehensive, 24-hour service.

Our company adheres to the business philosophy that integrity is the foundation of all cooperation, innovation is the weapon for business development, and service is the fundamental way to create value. We adhere to continuous improvement, meet customer expectations, ensure quality and service, and explore global markets. Welcome customers from all walks of life to join hands and cooperate with our company. We will do our best to safeguard your goods!

The company adheres to the brand concept of "Reputation for Shenyue Tongda Tianxia" and focuses on the development needs of the manufacturing industry, especially IC, big health, new energy, steel, food, mechanical equipment and other industries. We provide professional, efficient, and collaborative supply chain solutions for intelligent manufacturing enterprises, help customers integrate upstream and downstream supply chains, and promote the continuous growth of the value of intelligent manufacturing enterprises!

Technology drives logistics, services create value. The company will drive supply chain transformation with technology, promote healthy social development with responsibility, and build a win-win and symbiotic supply chain ecosystem with dedication!

Corporate culture

Mission: Technology driven logistics services create value

Vision: A technology leading supply chain integration service provider

Values: Service oriented, achieving harmonious coexistence with each other

Spirit: Unity, integrity, hard work, innovation, and win-win